martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

His hand in mine.

I must admit that with this topic, a lot of special days came to my mind and I think that's actually quite a good sign... I have been blessed with such good memories in my short life that I can't help but be grateful of. It could have been the day I met Uberlinda, a schizophrenic girl from Lebu when I was doing my ethnography in January this year. It could have been the day that I had my 15th birthday party, or my 18th one! I don't know, there are really a lot of days.

But I finally chose the topic that came to my mind first, and that was the day that I met him. (Warning: A very cheesy and sort-of romantic-oriented entry ahead. Don't tell me I didn't warn you when you're about to complain.) I'll just call this guy by his initial, M. I met this young man three years ago, in a completely random meeting that involved two people that were very bored, me and him. Have you ever had that feeling that you just click with somebody? Either in a friendly or romantic way, it just happens and you're done for a very good time, if not forever enchanted with that person. That happened to me, to us that day. We shared a lot common interests, and the things we didn't share, we became very interested in those because of the person we had in front of us. I'd have never thought that the guy I met that day could have become the person that turned up to be. Okay, since we were very bored, we just started talking about random stuff, and I remember long conversations about animals, specially frogs, cows and bunnies (Don't even ask me why). Then, since one of our common interests was the Harry Potter saga, we spent three entire hours watching the show A Very Potter Musical in YouTube. I had already seen it like three times, but with him... It was like I was watching it for the first time again, and we enjoyed our time together. That eventually led to two more times we hung out to watch the other musicals of the series. I have that day burnt in my memory and my heart, and it will be that way until who knows when.

And that was the day I met my biggest love~

4 comentarios:

  1. Oh my go this is so cute! I love you writing, by the way. I think I can relate to your feeling, meeting that special person and want to be with him all the time... that once made me so happy :)

  2. Damn it! I was going to write about the day when I met her (my special loved one) or when we started to date but I thought that people doesn't like cheesy stories and write about a random story that I came up with in the spot. Now I regret it... I like your post. It is honest. Ah, and don't worry, everyone talks about random and bizarre stuff (well, I don't talk about frogs regularly but, who cares?). By the way, I like Harry Potter too (and for some mysterious reason all the girls that I have met this year love Harry Potter). Bye bye!

  3. Aaaaww :3 It's a fantastic story!! (Read it with a British accent). I now how you feel, when you met a person by magic arts and you feel just great and free. And obviously he has my agree...Potterheads must be with Potterheads <3

  4. I like very much story. It's great when you have that kind of feel with someone else, it feels so good c: A Very Musical Potter! I didn't wacht it, but I know that Darren Criss acts o: Talking about Harry Potter make think in this video, I don't know if you have seen before:
